Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Xinhua scrapping the barrel to make a tired old arguement…

As I wrote in my post To Fly Or Not To Fly, China would have a tough time vetoing any No Fly Zone over Libya as it would considerably jeopardize its investments, which are currently estimated into the billions of RMB. (See here for one estimation of the cost)

Although, the No fly Zone doesn’t guarantee the lost investments, it would have looked really bad if China were seen as a deliberate block in any attempt to protect the people of Eastern Libya. Especially as a sizable chunk of their investments are in eastern Libya.

So, China abstained. It had no other choice, and this was the right thing to do. China could show that it respected the humanitarian side of the No Fly Zone, without compromising its own ideal of non-state intervention by other states.

What it should have done from then, is well…. Nothing. But instead it has once again fallen into an “Anti-American” stance, questioning the credibility of the No Fly Zone and it’s legitimacy, even relating it to imperialism.... again!

Turning the situation into another opportunity to flog a tired old argument about the US being a global bully that is happy to attack weaker countries.

On March 22 Xinhua reported

“Some countries Monday blasted the ongoing West-led military operation against Libya government forces, saying the air raids went beyond the UN resolution and must be scrapped immediately.

Further investigation reveals that one of the principle quotes for this story comes from Robert Mugabe, no less.

What is Xinhua doing? Why, if it wants to present China as a global leader is it still associating itself with these kinds of people? Does Robert Mugabe represent the aspirations of the Chinese people? I think not. Does what Mugabe think on the world matter to any reasonable nation that values its citizens?

Other notable countries joining this “global slamming” of the No Fly Zone being the political heavy-weights of Ecuador and Bolivia.

It is really beyond me why China’s propaganda machine thinks it is doing itself a favour by scrapping the barrel like this and flaming up anti-Americanism by associating with these kind of regimes and countries.

The CCP should realize that its current actions to present an “alternative” consensus on the UN sanctioned No Fly Zone actually alienates it more from the world it so desperately wants to be respected in.

If China wants to lead the world, then it should act like a global leader and garner the respect of the international community rather than wasting its time consensus building with minnows or pariah states, trying to prove a tired old point about western imperialism or US hegemony.


  1. Here's how wrong Chinese media gets it

    "China should unite dissenting countries in uniting reactions against the air strikes. China should dare to do so, because the US, Britain and France first violated the no-fly zone resolution and the anti-military intervention camp can now occupy the moral high land.

    Making full use of it, the West will give more respect to China's opinion"

    From the article - Anti-intervention voices must be heard
    Source: Global Times [08:45 March 22

  2. "..If China wants to lead the world, then it should act like a global leader and garner the respect of the international community.."

    Firstly only Western countries consider Zimbabwe a 'pariah' state. I think the population of all Western countries put together is less than 10% of the total world population.

    Western opinion does not represent 'international' or 'world' opinion.

    Secondly I don't think China cares to 'lead' the world. Maybe be the richest in the world - that would be good. But not 'lead' the world. The Chinese tend not to poke their nose in other people's affairs. They just expect the same of other people towards them.

  3. Zimbabwe is listed as 153 in the world, despite having huge agricultural and even diamond wealth...

    It's economy is defunct, it's people are oppressed and propped up by the likes of other authoritarian governments like the CCP.

    I think it's pretty general feeling in the world that Zimbabwe is a pariah, defunct state...

    go take a look at any info you like on Zimbabwe http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economy_of_Zimbabwe

    It's a pretty dismal case by any measure... if China's rise was meteoric upwards then Zimbabwe's was the same downwards

    The point in the article is that countries like this DO NOT represent the general consensus of the world... and Xinhua would be best steering clear from quoting the likes...

    All the Chinese I know don't see Zimbabwe as a role-model or great partner

    I've never met a single Chinese person who told me they wanted to study in Zimbabwe or respected Mugabe...

    maybe you can introduce me to some....

  4. Where is the world opinion that Zimbabwe is a pariah state? A pariah state in that other countries should eschew friendly relations with her?

    Much of Zimbabwe's problems are from Western pressure and embargoes on trade of her.

    Just because Chinese may not want to study in Zimbabwe or consider her a role model is far from them saying Zimbabwe is a pariah state. What type of logic is that?

    Do you consider say India, or Guatemala, or Iraq a role model - a place where you would want to study? Of course not. But that does not make them pariah states.

    Even if you don't think much of their leaders or culture or religion. That does not mean your country should not have normal, cordial relations with the aforementioned places.

    "never met a single Chinese person who told me they wanted to study in Zimbabwe or respected Mugabe"

    I've rarely met a single Chinese person who knows who Mugabe is. And I've never met a single Chinese person who would give a seconds thought to the situation in Zimbabwe.
